Lit and Crit
A Political Diatribe
Kevin James

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"Conservatives, this book is not for you. Or, to put it in a language you might understand: Консерваторы, эта книга не для вас. If you could truly understand this book we wouldn't be where we are today, with a TV clown as leader of the free world, a demagogue who might just use a nuke to improve his ratings…"
Kevin J Salveson, the svengali at Extablisment Media and mastermind behind website, gets way way down in the hole in this rhetorically resplendent and brutally sarcastic wrasslin'-style takedown of Donald Trump, Nazis, Fascists, Republicans, Authoritarians, Robots, Nixon, Russian Internet Trolls, Fake Newts, The Right Wing Conspiracy, The Profligate South, Ronald Reagan, W. Bush, and the decline in reliable Customer Service around the globe.
Sure, he risks being thrown in the gulag, targeted, harassed; and that might just be from his own family. He does it because --in a weird way-- he understands Donald. As Salveson himself admits, he's an asshole too.
"Wickedly funny…Salveson brings a flamethrower of enlightened hilarity to the political arena. Conservatives are going to need a lot of lotion because the burns fill an entire hospital wing." -- Xtab PR
"Hilarious… Salveson's sardonic takedown pulls no punches and leaves no italicized phrase behind in this book eviscerating American Unpresident Donald Trump. As a rookie in his first major title fight for the future of American political satire, Salveson scores several verbal TKOs, an admirable feat."- Kevin Salveson
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