All datastreams and wave vibrations intercepted and translated by lamont.
Special thanks:
Stephen Bushman (datastream visual recompiling and translation services),
Kevin James Salveson (waveforms harmonic vibrations in gaseous matter translation services),
Everyone working in Eye Tee.
The datastreams posted online at youtube and other places are low resolution Mp3 versions. Naturally, the true afficianado demands a 24 bit download available in the Extablisment store.
Grab a lamontikon DVD + CD + 24 bit + Mp3 Download Combo Package. It's priced very reasonably and can be a wonderful keepsake of your time on planet Earth!
Also, consider purchasing recompiled datastream representations from artist Stephen Bushman. Try a lamontikon tote bag or water bottle to brighten your day.
Datastreams #64 - 82
enginges of novelty
datastream 63 - landscape of vacua
datastream 64 - noumenon
datastream 65 - phenon Om
datastream 66 - Octonion
datastream 67 - a streaming cascade of cellular material
datastream 68 - the gradient of total synergy
datastream 69 - bubble chamber
datastream 70 - to hear the shape of a drum
datastream 71 - sloot hyper-skymap survey
datastream 72 - carbon chauvinism
datastream 73 - terra nullis
datastream 74 - the missing baryon problem
datastream 75 - active streamfeed 75
datastream 76 - hucolanguachart
datastream 77 - from above and below
datastream 78 - databits collected over several years
datastream 79 - signals from Earnei
datastream 80 - vacuums in consciousness
datastream 81 - manifestations of meme transparency
datastream 82 - engines of novelty
lamontikon is a transdimensional systems analyst. Capturing signals sailing on solar winds, born in the radiation waves shot out of supernova mass ejections, inferred from transdimensional intrusions on Cartesian space, decodable patterns of metadata shadow images in pangalactic dust clouds... all of it is captured and catalogued for further analysis.
Some signals were found to encode waveforms that, when translated into vibrations in gaseous clouds, produced harmonics which some equipped with the proper wavelength decoders may refer to as music (though sometimes it's just noise.
Lamont works tirelessly to catalogue these cosmic signals for your listening pleasure. New album of datastreams out now!