All datastreams and physical wave vibrations in gaseous cloud volumes intercepted and translated by lamont.
Special thanks:
Stephen Bushman (datastream visual recompiling and translation services),
Kevin James Salveson (waveforms in gaseous matter translation services), and the Guys & Gals in Eye Tee.
The datastreams posted online at youtube and other places are low resolution Mp3 versions. The true afficianado demands a 24 bit download.
Also, consider a lamontikon DVD + CD + 24 bit + Mp3 Download Combo Package. It's priced very reasonably!
Also, consider purchasing the recompiled datastream representations from artist Stephen Bushman. Also, why not try a lamontikon tote bag or water bottle to brighten your day?
Datastreams #104-128
sesquipedalian obscurismant
datastream 104 - gas signalfilaments in the space between galaxies
datastream 105 - the Magellanic Clouds
datastream 106 - monstrous moonshine
datastream 107 - no-ghost theorem
datastream 108 - the incommensurability between arithmetic and geometric magnitudes
datastream 109 - eternal inflation smooth exit
datastream 110 - Niemeier lattice umbral moonshine
datastream 111 - Te's datastream hyperglitch forwarded around the
datastream 112 - orbifolds
datastream 113 - desolat feed 113
datastream 114 - penumbra Keisha
datastream 115 - Planemo haunts the hallways in accounting when the
office is empty
datastream 116 - time scalar interval N (just before lunch)
datastream 117 - Frobenius endomorphism around the coffee machine
datastream 118 - the soul conjecture
datastream 119 - Ko borrows a stapler
datastream 120 - Am's homothetic emphlipses in the mailroom
datastream 121 - various infinities in perturbative paycheck misprints
datastream 122 - ephemerides
datastream 123 - everyone stop reply-all-ing to that sophus lie
datastream 124 - Mabel and Dobs seem to be an item
datastream 125 - future light cone communication mode 125
datastream 126 - introductio in analysin infinitorum
datastream 127 - faculae patterns in Mabel's eyes
datastream 128 - in the umbra of a working weekend
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